Self-care, is it Biblical?

Pedicures have been a big part of my life for years!!

pedicure soak

Self- care finds itself on a pendulum swing between frivolous, expensive and spurious or necessary, essential and should be done with regularity. Those of us who claim a Biblical world view struggle often to make sure the actions we take line up with Scripture.

I mean with the state of our world how important is it to take time for me? Is me- time really important? Is me-time Biblical?

The crux of the issue is this, who/what fills me? Or put another way where does my life come from? It is easy to get caught up in the notion that I need to take care of myself? Life is hard and draining and if I don’t do something to rejuvenate I am not my best self. But is this truth?

Scripture is clear, life comes only from Christ. Our very existence comes from Him. Who better to rejuvenate us than Him, The one who created us and knows us?

Self-care really is not a Biblical concept. The care we need we can get directly from the Maker of all things. But how does this translate into my daily experience? I like pedicures and massages and maybe you enjoy another form of self-care.

I think the real issue is not the we engage in self-care activities but who are we relying on to fill us up and rejuvenate us.

So garden, hike, sing at the top of your lungs and yes go get a pedicure if that is your thing. But remember true care and rejuvenation can only come for Christ. Anything less pales in comparison,

What will you do today to be refueled by Christ?

Deedra Bingham